Tag Archives: warranties

22 Mar

The Danger Of Extended Warranties

Customer insurance, extended warranties. You know, these plans that are costly buying, just as you are standing during the checkout before the transaction goes through that they pressurize you.

Generally, if your piece that is new of gadgetry breaks within 12 months, the manufacturer will fix or replace it cost-free. But if it breaks after 14 months, it’s your problem. You need to pay for that it is fixed, or (more likely) purchase a new one.

So when you have got the chance to extend the address in return for a ‘small’ premium, the offer sounds rather tempting. I expect the merchant hopes on your credit card that you will be so keen to get your purchase home that is latest, that you’ll just say yes and pile it.

And exactly why do retailers sell these warranties? Is it out of this goodness of the hearts to prevent the clients …